Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Let the Spin Begin

The DFL dominated legislature, fails. By many accounts, including those of DFLers, the DFL failed to deliver on anything other than rhetoric, blather, veto-bound pork laden bills, and broken promises. The DFL has demonstrated, once again, their utter disconnect from the common man and common sense.

Locally, they failed to deliver the much vaunted DECC expansion, they failed to articulate any strategy for the future of the financially challenged City of Duluth and they failed to capitalize, in any meaningful way, on their majority in the House and Senate.

On the DECC expansion, they had the full support of the Governor, a majority vote, committee controls and every other tool at their disposal, yet they failed to deliver. They failed to deliver increased LGA which will have a huge impact on your local property tax bill and they failed to deliver numerous aspects of their agenda they campaigned on, promised and ultimately failed to deliver.

The DFL is a Party...a drunken party as evidenced by their Senate President, a lost, disorganized, out of touch, foolish party of low functioning Socialists. They cannot get the simplest of objectives through to the Governor without attaching pork that to the most casual observer, appears Mayberryish. They have no rhyme, reason or direction. Why they continue to garner a single vote is nothing less than evidence of dull-normal IQs of the thousands of voters dumbed down by decades of propaganda.

We get what we deserve. 85% of the voting public in this area has no idea who represents them, their individual political beliefs, relative to the votes they cast or the long term ramifications of the decisions of their elected leaders. Duluth will not change until the voting public stops drinking the daily dose of Socialist propaganda doled out by the Duluth News Tribune and it's DFL hack reporters and Publisher. Yes, the DFL FAILED and has failed Duluth for half a century. Grip it, Own it, Recognize it and vote accordingly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Surreal...but all too Real

Duluth has truly become a dumping ground. We have a shooting in Morgan Park. Morgan Park, the "Model City", a community unlike most in Duluth. It is physically different from any other neighborhood in Duluth. It is physically isolated and the neighbors there know each other...they thought. Morgan Park was a place people who lived there knew was safe. They got up in the morning, left their homes and children and did so knowing, with relative certainty, the neighborhood and the home they left in the morning would be the same they returned to that evening. It was, in many ways, the American Dream.

What has happened to that fair community? Well let's start with the DFL and what they have done to Duluth. First and foremost, US Steel agreed to expand the steel plant, the life blood of the City of Duluth, if the Legislature would do one simple thing; not increase their taxes. The DFL lead local leaders, seeing dollar signs all day long and never understanding the reality of business, called the bluff. Only US Steel was not bluffing. Faced with lean competition in much more favorable markets with less insatiable Unions, US Steel did what they promised and pulled out. This left a huge void in the Duluth job market but an even larger void in the Morgan Park landscape.

USX Cement was soon to follow. Faced with anti-cement dust mentality and an ambivalent attitude about the jobs potentially lost, USX closed and the plant was dismantled. Richie's restaurant closed, the corner malt shop on 88th disappeared, IGA closed, Gambles Hardware went under and Morgan Park, home to two grocery stores, formerly a hospital, a number of local restaurants, and a haven for family life, began it's metamorphosis...ushered in by the guardians of the future, the Democrat, Farmer, Labor Party, the new Communists of America.

They have done Morgan Park a great service, ridding it of the nuclear families of the 60s and 70s and replacing it with the welfare, drug clans and gangs of the 90s and 00s. Duluth is truly on the right path, just ask any DFLer. They have low IQs, a shitty work ethic and not an ounce of economic sense in their heads.

Due to their utter lack of intelligence, they feel the need to control through absolute power. In large part they have succeeded due solely to attrition of those who are more intelligent. Intelligent people leave hopelessness and tyranny, while stupid people embrace it. After-all, what chance do stupid people have, absent tyranny? They lack the intelligence to analyze, are far too insecure to trust, and are far too comfortable in their shit bag, Union, entitlement existence to challenge anything but their right to the TV remote.

Duluth has indeed become Chicago. We have all the crime, the scum, the violence yet none of the vast opportunities. The biggest difference is, in Chicago, there is opportunity for most and in Duluth, the opportunities are limited to those who have a bankroll, connections and DFL power broker/pawns in their back pockets. All others can go outside and play the game of hide and go fuck yourself.

The DFL rules supreme and if you don't like it, they are all too eager to teach you the lesson...don't cross us or we will crush you. Kruschev could not have said it better...wait, the DFL repeats it daily.

Those of you who hold this insane loyalty to the DFL have succumbed to the notion that they are looking out for you. The DFL is your guardian, the DFL is your Party. If you believe this than you have obviously never read a DFL sponsored bill, the DFL Party platform or the DFL Party history as written by objective historians. Your loyalty, as such is based on ignorance. The DFL has capitalized on your ignorance for 100 years. Go along, you will be more comfortable...even if your property is rendered worthless, your business bankrupted by taxes, your bedroom monitored by their social police. Wake up...Hello???

So, the Model City is no longer a Model. The dream has become a nightmare. What should you do about it? Get rid of those who have been in power since before, during and after the decline of Duluth...the DFL. They despise you and your wish for freedom and independence. If you are no longer dependent on them and become an independent, free entreprenuer, you are a threat to them. You have to ask yourself why.