Monday, October 29, 2007

Note This Date...

It's one week before the mayhem we here in Duluth call an election and the DFL is slathering up their slime buckets and slinging the BS like never before. Fear drives them into this frenzy and will drive the media for the next seven days. The Duluth News Tribune will, no doubt, offer up more of their blithering idiot reporters replete with willful ommissions, spin-doctored opinions and outright lies and misrepresentations. It seems we had it pretty good with Marti Buscaglia, at least she was an admitted liberal spinner. The latest incarnation of Publisher is either grossly out of touch with truth or just another hack wishing to install the latest round of misguided liberal numbskulls into City Hall.

What is interesting about the Tribune is how for off the beaten path of journalism they are willing to stray to promote their transparent agenda. Why they waste so much time with all this ridiculous spin is worthy of study in and of itself. Do they fear detection? Even DFLers admit the spin and slant of the Tribune is as obvious as the noses on their faces. Why all the gyrations, why don't they just come clean and save us all the, playing us for idiots crap, and make the statement, "we are leftist, liberal, spin-job hacks with a paper and we are here to stuff our phony, lie filled, hate driven agenda down your stupid throats!"

Why, instead of trying to appear objective, don't they just say it...We want Donny Ness, Laurie Johnson, Tony Cuneo, Jeff Anderson, Sharla Gardner and Russ Stover to win and if you don't vote for them and we find out, we will find a way to ruin you! The utter lack of integrity by their so-called reporters is as laughable as it is stunning. Just listen to one of these idiots try to defend why their stories are devoid of fact, objectivity, reason or truth, and you will find yourself scratching your head wondering how these idiots ever graduated grade school.

WANTED: Reporter for the Duluth News Tribune;

QUALIFICATIONS: Must have a sub-dull-normal IQ, have no regard for the truth, be a leftist fascist hack and be willing to go down on Robin Washington or any other staffer to replenish their brains on a whim.

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