Monday, April 10, 2006

Still Here

Spring has sprung and projects abound. I haven't upddated for some time and will be sparse in new postings but look for me to spice things up a little. Local issues will still be my focus here but the content will be less cumbersome to read and I will be including more links and sourcing.

Free Speech recently got a boost from the FEC as they decided to leave blogs outside the spectrum of their scrutiny. The logical thing for them to do was of course just that. It is going to become more and more impossible and impractical, without gestapo tactics and World Wide Web policing on a frightening scale, to monitor or regulate speech on the internet. This is a good thing.

I won't be shy about taking advantage of my right to free speech. I will continue my figurative in-step stomping on the Tribune and lampooning our overly deserving local politicians. The lunacy continues and seems to have affected more than the usual 6 or 7 Councilors and leftist talking heads around Duluth. Enjoy Spring, the mosquitoes are right around the corner!

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