Wednesday, April 25, 2007


"The War in Iraq is lost". The thoughts, words and sentiments of Harry Reid and the scumbag, defeatist, weak, treasonous, fanatical liberals of the DNC. Harry is not the minority of his party, and in-fact, he may actually represent the views of millions of Americans. Herein lies the problem. Harry is a low-life, scumbag traitor who would have been tried, convicted and hung 100 years ago, a time when patriots understood the value and sanctity of this country and had the resolve necessary to fight for and defend it to the last man. Unfortunately, so many weak-spined, misguided, useful idiots have somehow captivated the American landscape, despite the reality that the majority of Americans do not want us to lose or retreat in the Iraq struggle. However, the nature of our challenge and the many successes seem to completely elude those in the news media as well as a huge number of fickle, weak, ADD Americans. The only thing worse than the rush to betray our military, is the fact that it is driven by millions of Americans whose only source of information is the nightly network news. This willful ignorance and a willingness by these millions to be lead around by the nose by a bunch of Manhattan liberal traitors is a sickening phenomenon and it will lead to the destruction of this great country from within.

Our defeat will not come at the hands of our enemies, it will come by way of the media and so many Americans' belief that the media is unbiased or actually reporting the entire truth. Why is it that people value their country and future so little that they are not even willing to put out the effort it takes to get informed? Why do you believe we should leave Iraq or stay in Iraq? What is the right course of action and why?

The pat answers come from both sides but the truth of the matter and the scope of the issues are much more complex than anyone seems to understand. This is the defining conflict of our age and our seeming willingness, at least as portrayed by the media, to abandon it does not bode well for our future. The terrorists in Iraq are following a forty year old play book and we are allowing it to work on our collective consciousness.

During the Vietnam conflict, the enemy knew they did not have to prevail against our troops but only to provide a daily body count to our media and the American public, defined at that time and today as well, by a bunch of feel-good, hippy, peace-niks who have no patience. The Communists played our media against us and they were ultimately successful. The insurgency in Iraq, funded and assisted by Mahmoud Ahmedinijad and his Islamic-Nazis are simply following the same play book. They understand the United States lacks resolve because the same bunch of dope-smoking hippies who succeeded in calling for our defeat in Vietnam, are now in positions of real power. They lack conviction and more importantly, the resolve to see this through to completion. The United States made a commitment to go into this conflict. Our leaders, Democrats and Republicans alike, stood, apparently united, and voted to send our troops into conflict.

The Democrats are made up of the feel-good, hippy, peace-niks and double talking, traitors. The Republicans are made up of a bunch of weak-spined politicians who would rather part ways from the Commander in Chief to preserve their political viability, than stand up to the weak, mislead, fools who are calling for our withdrawal. There is not an intelligent soul on this planet that believes for one second that the US Military cannot defeat the enemy in Iraq. We have the power, the technology and the personnel to wipe the map of the country of Iraq. Most intelligent souls, however, know that by pressuring a weak, American, Prime time TV culture, they will erode the support of Americans to be American. We commit, but seem incapable of maintaining the necessary resolve long enough to finish anything meaningful.

Resolve is the thing that sets us apart from our enemies in Iraq. They have it, our troops have it but the American public and the congressional body politic are as weak-spined and fickle as prime time TV. They want the war completed in the time it takes Jack Bauer to get involved in yet another catch-22. They want a first round knock out and for the opponents to then hug and high five each other. They have no taste for real blood or real conflict or reality for that matter. Popularity is more important than victory. Expedience is more important than honor; and peace, however temporary, is more important than security.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Treasonous Traitors

What does it mean to be American? What does it mean to be Peruvian, Iraqi, Iranian, Slovakian, Greek? What responsibility does an American have to actually call themselves "American"? At what point does an American relinquish their right to be considered a true American?

If an Iranian openly criticizes their government and renounces their country and citizenship, the likelihood is that they will be hanged, by crane, in a very public place and without mercy or delay. If a Peruvian denounces their citizenship, well, frankly my dear, who gives a damn?! Declaring one's heritage carries with it some responsibility and accepting that responsibility is reciprocal with the declaration. In essence, merely being born here and living here does not make you an American. You may be legally American, have American citizenship and have all the rights of an America but are you an American? Further, you may climb the ranks, sleaze your way into elected political office and still, as one who's birth ensures their rights, you may become a non-American.

For those of us fortunate enough to be born here but too ignorant and stupid to understand the responsibility of our citizenship, you are not true Americans. You are here and American by default, but don't for one second, believe you are deserving of the greatness of this country. You do not wake up as an infant with the right to call yourself American simply because thousands of your brethren died to ensure your future. There is a whole slate of responsibilities that millions of Americans have abrogated to a degree to no longer have the right to call themselves American. When you denounce your military when they are engaged in war, you are no longer an American. When you give aid and comfort to the enemies of our country, by any means, you are no longer an American. When you declare that our military, engaged in war, having not committed but a small portion of our might, is defeated, you are no longer an American. When you decide, it is more expedient to appease weaklings and defeatists, than to embrace and support the most valiant among us, you are no longer an American. When you decide, America is wrong, solely because euro-trash thinks we're wrong, you are no longer an American.

It takes strength, character, commitment, devotion, nationalism (when did that become a bad thing and who made it bad...explore this) and patriotism to preserve the nation. Those who say we are defeated are traitors and they will do whatever it takes to destroy this great nation. They must be defeated. They must be confronted and they must be exposed for what they are, treasonous traitors.

Anyone who says we have lost or that we cannot win, should be jailed and silenced for it is their words and actions that will lead to the demise of this nation. Should this nation be defeated at the hands of those who detract from our resolve, or should we resolve to remove them from this nation? We are at war. We will prevail. Only the treasonous traitors we have placed in high office will stop us. Do you want the United States Of America to lose? If you do, you deserve nothing short of trial, conviction and death. That is the fate deserved by all who call for our retreat from our enemies.

Monday, April 16, 2007


The gun mania that puts my boy in danger every time he goes to school
First Virginia Tech victim named
Aspirin could stave off cancer and help victims to survive
More young doctors oppose abortions on ethical grounds
Could a full English cause lung disease?
T-bone or rib-eye? Why millions feel bamboozled at their local butcher's
£8m lottery winner's spending spree
Wolfowitz won't resign as governments show unease
Chimps are actually more evolved that humans
Sickest-of-the-sick child porn sites have quadrupled
Kisses from Richard Gere plunge Shilpa Shetty into India row
MySpace invaders trash second home to tune of £30,000
Madonna arrives in Malawi 'for charity work not adoption'
Coroner attacks US military again for failing to help with an inquest
Britons are the grumpiest in Europe

The news and links as posted today. What will the media spin out of this terrible tragedy? The anti-gun lobby will make hay. The mass hysteria of a mass killing will, I hope, cause a lot of soul searching, empathizing, praying and honest reflection. Unfortunately, as evidenced by various headlines and by-lines, the blood-capitalists have already set in motion the propaganda campaign to further whittle away your right to defend yourself. Yes, those of us who are law abiding citizens and value our right to defend ourselves via the Second Amendment will become the enemy of the left once again.

Those of us who, had only one of us been present today, tragedy would have been averted, prefer to be prepared to defend against maniacs than be their victims, will be made into gun toting whack jobs worthy of scorn and derision. Guns are BAD. If I would have been there, as the first rounds were fired, armed and prepared, perhaps thirty people would still be alive. If anyone like me, highly trained and proficient, had been there rather than the hysteria that paralyzed all who died and those who stood by and witnessed the mayhem, maybe we would be having a very different discussion.

God bless and give comfort to those who died and those who mourn them, those who are struggling from their injuries and all impacted by this terrible tragedy. My deepest and heartfelt condolences to those who are suffering as a result of this utterly senseless tragedy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

It's Only Money

The Great Lakes Aquarium gets another 100Gs and there is notably little outrage. Well, Duluth's apathy factor seems to increase with every hair-brained decision by the Council to throw more money into bottomless pits.

The GLA has a dubious history of disclosure and transparency. They have been close lipped about certain facts and figures such as whose actual decision was it to refuse the $1 Million settlement offered during the lawsuit against the contractors? Will we ever get an answer to that question? If not, why not? Whose facility is this anyway?

The next thing we will see is the implementation of the taxing plan to build the next "public facility", the DECC expansion. Why are we sinking $70 Million into another facility when we are struggling to figure out how to pay for the last one and the one before that and the one before that? The DECC already receives over $1 Million every year in tax subsidies and now they want more to "invest" in a marginally larger hockey rink. The argument is and always has been, if we build it, they will come. That is, we will be able to attract bigger acts, bigger games, have more than one big event at the same time, etc.

Maybe we should take the $1 Million annual subsidy away and say, if you can make it on your own and make this facility a net contributor in tax dollars, you can have this sum to "invest" in what better be another net contributor. We have the GLA and it exists for what reason? What tangible benefit does it provide the community that we sink hundreds of thousands of tax dollars into it every year? How does it benefit the businesses that are collecting and paying the taxes that fund it? Does Grizzlies benefit from it? Does Moldeez benefit from it? They are paying for it among many others.

We are being held hostage to the notion that if we pay more, we get more. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If those businesses currently paying the tourism taxes were allowed to place that three hundred thousand dollars into a loan or grant fund, imagine the good they could achieve. Place that money into an interest bearing account and once a year, open it up for application for loans and grants available only to those businesses who currently collect and pay the tax.

Better yet, instead of increasing the current tax to pay for another misguided venture, require those now receiving the tax dollars to stand on their own. We would have more than enough to cover the new rink. Unfortunately, that flies in the face of socialism and Duluth is a socialist City. Take from the producers and give to the non-productive.

The DFL has never strayed from the policy of spend and tax, then spend more and tax more. The promises to eliminate or reduce taxes once the projects are done are nothing more than lies to get you, the taxpayer, dumbed-down long enough to get their pork then bury it behind the scenes forever. It's just more of the same. It's Only Money.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Popping Early

The Don has apparently decided it is time to break out the big guns, or should I say the little placards. As if Duluth doesn't already know who he is and his obvious party affiliation. But do we know what he stands for? You'd think after this amount of time with him serving on the Council, serving as Council President, campaigning for Congressman Oberstar, we would know what Don stands for. Unfortunately, he has spent most of his time paying lip-service to various groups and causes while doing little to define himself.

Now, the unavoidable DFL type campaign replete with fuzzy logic and feel-goodism will once again take Duluth by it's collective apathy. The true frustration for those of us who keep a finger on the pulse of local politics is how to expose the true man behind the phony. How do we expose the meat, or lack thereof, behind the facade? Will Duluthians vote once again for the DFL label, package and marketing machine or will people actually do their civic duty and attempt to determine what the various candidates stand for?

The likelihood is history will simply repeat itself and Don will get the nod. After-all, he is revered by all who love fluff and are wary of substance, truth and maturity. Further, the stodgy old establishment will go with blinders on, dunce caps donned and cast their straight DFL ticket. Those looking for true leadership and seeing the rocks before the ship will vote for the underdog, only to be disappointed when Don and Company pop the corks as the predictable results are posted.

What will you do? Will you get off your sofa, your recliner, your apathy and get out to try to find the best fit for Duluth or, like so many other apathetic, ignorant Duluthians, will you attach your leash to your nose and like the many lemmings, post your straight DFL ticket? For the sake of your children and mine, I pray you get off that soft, cushy couch and learn who it is that seeks to represent you. Understand that Don does not represent Duluth, does not have the maturity or common sense to lead a horse to water, and much less, a City to fiscal solvency. He is a facade, a dog and pony show for the DFL and the young, starry-eyed, liberal, brain-washed University crowd. He will say what he thinks will get him elected. Just remember, it will be a familiar message with no substance, no true commitments to any tangible principles and finally, but perhaps most importantly, the predictable list of endorsements.

He will undoubtedly be endorsed by AFSCME, Progressive Action, the DFL, the Fire-fighters, the Duluth News Tribune, Organized Labor and every other left wing, fringe kook organization just as generations before him. The only variable is whether he will be able hold sway with the Chamber of Commerce. They are perhaps the most fickle, weak-spined organization in Duluth, selling out only to preserve their client base and never truly representing the business community in any substantial manner.

The Don will be elected Mayor and will again, fail to lead the City in a new direction. He will be another mouth-piece for the organizations endorsing him and will utterly fail to represent the general population of Duluth. We will get what we deserve. Another liberal, fuzzy minded, feel-good numb-skull with nothing to offer but lip-service to those who are in control...the liberal establishment of Duluth. This is the reality of Duluth. Despite his actions, his election will be based on how many groups he can bamboozle into believing he actually represents something. He will be elected based not on his ability, history of failure or silly-assed tenure on the Council but on all the "nice" things he will say between now and then and how many will be seduced by his phony message. Let the seduction begin.


So we have the first few declared candidates for City Council and Mayor clamoring to make names for themselves and raise funds. Who will win? Well if history is any teacher we will end with a DFL dominated City Council and the DFL endorsed candidate for Mayor doing little or nothing and the non-endorsed challengers spending night and day door knocking, fund-raising, mailing, calling and posting signs anywhere they are allowed. They will spend untold dollars and efforts trying to keep up with the theft of their signs and in the end, they will be disappointed.

All the while, the public employees will be greasing the wheels, wheeling and dealing, working tirelessly to ensure the candidate who will approve the fattest contracts gets elected. AFSCME will spend countless dollars and man hours promoting the DFL candidate. One must ask why, in a non-partisan election, endorsement by political parties is even allowed. It's all OK as long as it is only practiced by the DFL.

Duluth has become a perfect example of how, when one party, one philosophy and one approach is allowed to continue unchecked, they will eventually become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The DFL has ruined the economy in Duluth, stolen the future out from under our children and created a political monopoly. How is it that they have been so successful?

Through four decades of utter domination, they have vilified business and placed the region in an unsustainable cesspool of entitlements for public employees at the expense of all else. They have done this through a relentless campaign of disinformation, misinformation, propaganda and with the help of an ignorant, fickle public. They have co-opted the public employees and their unions into what are often very questionable campaign practices, questionable quid-pro-quo wheel greasing and at times, intimidation and corruption.

Take the example of Mayor Herb Bergson's handling of a draft report from the State Auditor's office. This report was stamped on every page with a warning that disclosure of it's contents was a violation of the law. Yet, with apparent impunity, Mr. Bergson disclosed the contents to the Publisher of the Duluth News Tribune, apparently a clear, flagrant violation of the law and what were the consequences? His political friends benefited, one of his political opponents was effectively neutralized if not ruined personally, he received pages of sympathetic press including four front page stories related to the contents of that report and has faced none of the legal consequences of his actions.

Next, the example of Herb Bergson scamming tickets from various entities for the ostensible, if not dubious, purpose of "donating" them to underprivileged. This act was not only, unethical and immoral, it was a repugnant display of DFL arrogance and Herb's personal arrogance. At worst it is another quid-pro-quo to ensure Herb's political future, though we know not what that will be. It demonstrates the utter disregard for decency by the DFL and their accomplices at the News Tribune and various other media whores. It is a repugnant display of hubris and elitism that is embarrassing to all but the completely brain-washed, which apparently represents at least 60% of Duluthians.

How on Earth does the DFL retain any credibility, the news media any integrity and talk show host Lew Latto, any listeners? These are but a few of the actions of nose-thumbing by Herb and the DFL Party that in any other political arena would have resulted in scandal, resignations, prosecutions and investigations. It is unbelievable to me the general public of Duluth is not enraged that their Mayor is seamingly operating contrary to the laws of this City and State with apparent impunity.

Imagine the fallout if one of the private citizens of Duluth released the contents of a draft report from the State Auditor's Office, the contents of which were critical of Mayor Bergson! The private citizen would have been subjected to immediate prosecution, the maximum penalties applicable and the Duluth News Tribune would undoubtedly have committed front page, after front page to the personal destruction of the individual responsible. The duplicity and hypocrisy with which the DFL operates in this area is absolutely mind boggling and repugnant. Their ability to preserve their own in the midst of such acts demonstrates their utter control of the region.

One has to ask why the City Attorney has taken no action. Don't for one second buy the utter BS that he couldn't do it because he operates at the pleasure of the Mayor. He has a legal, professional and moral obligation to take action yet has has abdicated that responsibility. The County Attorney, lacking jurisdiction must have some avenue of action such as contact with the State Attorney General. It would require something other than apathy and professional dereliction of duty.

This is the Modus Operandi of the DFL and continues to be the playbook from which they handle opposition and take care of their own. God only knows why they have gotten away with this behavior but it is what it is...and it will continue.