Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fundamental Lies

The City of Duluth has become spin central. Nothing is true but what the DFL tells you. Nothing is fact, even that which we know to be, unless the DFL gets it's shot at spinning it. No truth is too big for the DFL to dispel.

The latest DFL windbag lunatic is Garry Krause. Garry, Union Boy, DFL Poster child Krause. Garry, Shutter Bug, Krause. Garry, the embarrassment of the year to the Duluth City Council, bonehead, goofball, Garry, Chauchesku look-alike and mentee, Krause. Yes, the wisdom of this man escapes even the most devout scumbag DFLer lately. He has stepped outside the bounds. Why? He has advocated following a nearly 100 year old law.

The problem? Garry as conveniently failed to absorb the fact that by putting more than half of the most profitable bars and restaurants out of business, or even merely displaying his ability to be remarkably unstable, unpredictable and plainly stupid, he has failed to realize he is cutting his political throat, the throat of all taxpaying citizens of Duluth, the DECC, Spirit Mountain, GLA, Sister Cities Commission, et al, ad nauseum. Maybe he's on to something...a quick death, as that is what will occur if he fails to change his incredibly incompetent mind about his vote on the upcoming proposed change to the Duluth City Charter. The proposed change will eliminate the draconian language that, had anyone been paying attention in this City for the last 70 years, would have precluded the issuance of an enormous amount of existing licences.

Garry's problem is an axe he has been grinding ever since one of those owners caught him red-handed, in his front lawn on a Sunday Morning, while his kids were watching cartoons and eating Cheerios, taking pictures of his property, for God only knows what purpose. This personal vendetta has so clouded Garry's judgement and lead to a grudge so intense and so personal, Garry will do anything to ruin this person, including taking the City finances into the toilet and dozens of businesses and their hundreds of employees on his scorched Earth crusade. The intensity of this vendetta has robbed Mr. Krause of his judgement, and ultimately, his fitness to hold political office. Nobody from his party has spoken publicly about the need for this idiot to step aside and seek help, rather, they simply continue posturing. Why? Garry is on their side and a much needed ally. Bottom Line, they will never sell out one of their own, whether that person is utterly deranged or not, the vote and the power is all that matters.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bayfront Schmooz

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Just when Mayor Bergson thought he was could extort more money from the BBF, he gets reeled back in by the Don. Who that may be is debatable. Many in Duluth subscribe to the notion that Jeno is The Man. If that is the case, when you have a Mayor such as Herb who has declared his independence; "I will not run again" conversely, he is apparently beholden to the scumbags still attempting to manipulate the governance of this City from either afar or within. What or maybe more appropriately, whom does he fear? His own shadow perhaps?

Mayor Bergson has an ego so fragile, the slightest affront from any group, pro-gay, anti-gay, pro-business (almost nobody), anti-business (DFL and practically everyone else in Duluth), fishermen, marina owners, developers, pilots, swimmers, people who defecate, urinate or wash dishes, homeowners, landlords, renters, drunks, teetotallers, faithful, atheists, agnostics, law and order types, police, lawbreakers, liars, incompetents, cheeseheads, or practically anyone on the planet depending on the time of day, the cause celeb' and Herb's state of consciousness. How does one plan for the future?

Here's how, grab a square of beach on Park Point and don a blindfold; spin yourself around exactly or not twelve thousand times and then turn the other way exactly or not, approximately, almost or about or maybe a hundred or so times; then, find the water, the grass, the sand, the lunatics who are advocating for compromising the safety of pilots, their families, (remember, if one, just one of those planes impacts one of those trees, they, the trees, will all burn) moving an airport to save a few trees-fly over Duluth sometime to put this into perspective-then call Herb about your latest concern. He will undoubtedly pay you lip-service. Then call Yvonne Putzner Solon...she will express her deep concern, bring it to committee and 124 years later, maybe something will be done but it will resemble nothing you intended and, you will be dead, but hey, you got your bill!

I digress, who runs, owns, controls this putz? Who is the Putz? Will anything ever change? Is Duluth just another example of a City hijacked by a goon squad of liberal scumbags disguised as business people and do-gooders or are we just too stupid to understand macro-economics of the mafia? I'll vote for all of the above as they are all my opinions and few if any of you have as much information about what's going on in Duluth as I do. Why is that? Because, as a Citizen of Duluth, I take responsibility and, unlike you, I choose to do something. I am doing it...are you?

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Duluth is facing enormous and unprecedented challenges. How do we, how will we and can we come together to solve these issues? Where is the middle ground and where is the consensus? What do we agree are the biggest obstacles to our future?

The key to all of this is to understand the disparity between Duluth and similar sized cities. Further we need to understand the relationship between government and those who fund it, namely, private citizens and business. To find common ground we need to have a vision for the future.

In Duluth we lack a vision. To find consensus we need leadership behind that vision. Lacking a vision, we have "leaders" who are incapable of leading, after-all, how can they lead if they are leading us nowhere? To find the middle ground we need to agree on the meat of our vision. Lacking a vision, we have no middle ground, just shifting sands of political posturing. Consensus is lacking as we have a divided community, those who follow the winds of popularity and those who seek leadership and true progress.

The final sticking point seems to be the differences in the definition of "progress". "Progressives" have arguably made the word their own however, progressives are universally in favor of regressive policies, practices and politics and "conservation". "Conservatives" on the other hand, seem to be more concerned with true progress, development, growth and technology, which ultimately results in conservation and efficiency than the "progressives". How is it then that the "progressives" who are largely conservative, regressive and anti-technology have successfully hijacked the moniker "progressive"? The explanation lies in an analogy. Today's internet culture has epitomized the notion of first come, first served. In essence, if you get out there first and register a domain name, a marketing approach, a growth strategy, a sales concept, it is, in effect, yours as long as you pay your monthly and annual fees and dues. The same holds true with the "progressives". They have coined and essentially been allowed to monopolize certain terms, concepts and theories and in large degree, their definitions have been accepted as gospel.

Herein lies the problem. Everyday people accept the term "progressive" as meaning one who advocates progress. In Duluth, the progressives have hijacked every politically influential organization and board from the Chamber of Commerce to the comprehensive planning process. This has resulted in cynicism by the conservatives who have been effectively disenfranchised from Duluth politics and influence for decades.

How then do we arrive at a solution to the issues facing Duluth with such a one-sided approach? Those of us with more realistic, conservative, development oriented solutions to the long term problems facing Duluth have to simply wait it out. If we want to avoid personal liability at the hands of the City, we have but one choice and that is to move our families and businesses outside the City limits until the City either collapses or is able to arrive at more realistic contracts with AFSCME, convince the State Legislature to take a bigger bite of our liability or declare bankruptcy. The City does not have the tax base or resources to overcome it's current liabilities without extorting an unsustainable tax burden from the individuals and businesses.

The City should not be let off the hook by the Legislature. This is a situation of our own making and we must bear the brunt of the fallout. Political paralysis has infected the Council and Mayor's office and hope is fading that the Unions will ever come to their collective senses. The current crop on the Council would rather debate the Iraq War on our nickel than solve the issues they were elected to address. Reality is setting in with those of us looking objectively at the situation and the long-term road map being laid by the Council, the progressives and the Mayor. Some things never change and insane people must not be expected to effect positive change without outside intervention. The intervention will not occur as long as Duluthians continue to subscribe to the DFL lines of liberal BS and vote these clowns into the majority.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Lose, Lose

The Mayor has done it again. How many failures must we watch as this Mayor seems to be on a scorched Earth policy of Political ineptitude. It is unbelievable to many that one of the biggest financially beneficial events to Duluth has been lost because, in the view of the Mayor, the City didn't get a big enough direct benefit from the event. This Mayor obviously has no understanding of business, economics, common sense, or human nature. The City of Duluth is on a slide, the likes of which we have never witnessed. Mayor Herb Bergson owes it to this City to resign immediately and in doing so, ask those he has run out of town to reconsider in his absence.

Now we hear the Kroc Center plan has been scuttled. This, another situation of the Mayor's making with a large portion of the responsibility also shared by the Godless majority on the City Council, fearing that this gift horse might one day mention the word God. These idiots have taken the City on a politically motivated train wreck of epic proportion. There seems to be no bounds to the stupidity and short-sightedness of the Duluth City Council, Mayor Bergson, the DFL Party, and the Unions who all seem bent on destroying what little is left of Duluth. I read a comment today to the effect that we should reverse the course of Grandma's Marathon, thereby eliminating the last big noteworthy event on the Duluth calendar.

What is Duluth coming to and why are we going there? If the Bluesfest was so frigging evil, why was it so successful? Has our illustrious useful idiot Herb considered the long-term ramifications of the outcome of this debacle? The damage to Duluth's reputation will be impacted on a nation-wide level. There are right and wrong ways to re-negotiate with purveyors within the City of Duluth but it seems beyond the comprehension of Herb and his henchmen.

It truly is time for the citizens of this City to decide whether they want to live the draconian existence desired by Herb Bergson, 7 of 9 City Councilors, AFSCME, the DFL and so many backwards thinking, boneheaded, ultra-liberal, knuckle dragging, neanderthals. Duluth needs change. It will not happen until those who desire to stop all change get out of power. The DFL desires no change and in-fact, wants to return to days before we had the hope of the Kroc Center, before the excitement of Bayfront Blues Fest and apparently devoid of any hope for a future for Duluth.

Herb Bergson, my message to you is if you have a decent bone in your body, if you have one ounce of decency, one pebble of integrity, you will resign and apologize for your monumental failures which are far too many and to great to detail here. Everything you have touched has turned to shit and it is time you recognize, acknowledge, apologize for and let Duluth move beyond you and your seeming limitless ability to screw things up. Leave this area and let the memory of your failures fade. You owe this to Duluth.

Defending Your Life

Well, defending his political life I suppose is what Herb Bergson is doing. This latest scandal being swept under the rug by so many well-meaning, foolish and ignorant Duluthians is just another in a long line of misdeeds by our current and infamously stupid Mayor.

There are some key points people of Duluth must come to grips with. The people Mayor Bergson gave those tickets to have a vote. Political survival for Mr. Bergson, if it is to be had, will require the greasing of many wheels and the burying of numerous skeletons. What better way to do it than with favors? The American Indian tribes in this region wield enormous power and influence and were recipients of his most recent largesse. Hell, he said it himself in that now published e-mail to Ken Beuhler, "relations are strained". So should Ken "suck up" so Herb can suck up? Well, why not if it results in political leverage for Herb?

People must understand that this is not about Herb being charitable, it is about graft and corruption and it runs very deep in Duluth. Herb is just the latest scumbag politician to succumb to the trance-like state those with political ambitions enter upon election to an important office.

How is Herb asking Ken for tickets or asking for tickets to bluesfest any different from him entering a local restaurant and pressuring the owner for some free meals for the homeless or pressuring a bar owner for a bottle of fine scotch for a drunk on First Street who is going through withdrawal? There is no difference, it is using a public position as influence to receive something of value from a constituent. Everyone in public service, from police to plow-drivers know this is a giant no-no and knows that receiving additional favors for any reason due solely to your position is against the law, against every ethical standard of his or her position and grounds for termination.

Why does Herb expect to be held to a lower standard? Because he is the Mayor Dammit! Well, is there a better reason? Charitable or not, as a former cop, if he sees this behavior as appropriate, one wonders what he may have thought was appropriate as a Police Officer. If being called for abusing his position is simply political opportunism by those criticizing his behavior, what then is the appropriate standard? These rules and ethics are in place for a multitude of reasons. Herb, as evidenced by his reaction to the DUI in Wisconsin while on city business, the release of a draft report to the Publisher of the News Tribune while acting in his official capacity as Mayor and now the ticket scandal orchestrated while acting in his official capacity as Mayor and not being the least bit shy about using his elected position for influence, demonstrates a sort of socio-pathic type behavior. In his mind, breaking the rules and laws is OK unless you get caught, then the only bad people in your life are those who caught you.

This latest scandal and Herb's reaction to it is demonstrative of his disdain for rules and ethics, his obvious superiority complex and his delusional, grandiose sense of his own importance. He is not fit to serve in public office and must resign or be removed. On the other hand, it is not characteristic of a narcissist to look inward or do the right thing, only to lay blame, obfuscate the truth and attempt to deflect criticism to others. If you choose to defend Herb or turn a blind eye to his latest repugnant behavior, you promote and condone it. Will we as a community tell Herb it is OK steal from one to give to another? Is it OK for the Mayor to be Robin Hood? The answer lies in the answer to the question I have already posed, is it OK for the Mayor to use his position to further influence and bribe people into political favor? He is buying votes, bottom line, and that my friends is illegal.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

More of the Same

Ticketgate...The Empire Strikes Again...Herb and his DFL lackeys have done it again. They have blown Bluesfest. Why? Socialist Greed is the only answer. They have become another example of greed by those who are not willing to work for their sustenance. They prefer to suck the teat of the public from birth to death. They expect you to work for them. They expect you to love them, revere them, support them, promote them, care for them, smile for them...Kim Jong Il of North Korea has a similar problem.

The DFL of Minnesota is a cancer. They are an illness for which we must find a permanent cure and exorcise permanently. Herb is merely a symptom of a larger disease. He and his policies, practices and means are promoted and supported by his party.

Herb's greed extends from his quid-pro-quo at the Willard Munger Inn to the Ticketgate fiasco. He has certainly received far more tickets than he donated and it is utterly repugnant to see intellectually dishonest Duluthians stepping up to the Council podium to defend this cretin. Anyone defending this blowhard needs to deeply examine their motives and decide, does this creep actually represent you and your best interests, or in other words, you support crime and criminals, or are you merely blindly supportive of the DFL? Either way, you have been misled, are misguided and ignorant of the truth staring you in the face. As such, you are part of the problem, just as much or maybe even more than Herb.

Life is too short. Be honest with yourself and exorcise this man from our leadership. It is time to recognize and realize he is worthy of nothing more than disdain and derision. Do it not and you are lying to yourself.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Illegal Acts

I read an interesting article by Ann Coulter this morning and a lot of what she says hit home. What she is getting at is disparate treatment of Republicans in the legal arena. Apply that logic to Duluth. Look at Mayor Herb Bergson's conduct while in the Mayor's office. He wrecked a car while under the influence of alcohol and was charged and plead guilty. He violated the Minnesota Data Privacy Act when he illegally disclosed the contents of a draft report from the State Auditor's office to the Publisher of the Duluth News Tribune, yet has faced zero consequences. This violation carries with it the penalty, if convicted, removal from office.

Why then is it that he has faced no charges? Yep, he's a Democrat. If he had been a Republican, he would have been summarily hanged, drawn and quartered by the local media, he would almost certainly be doing time and would no longer be our Mayor. Yes, it seems the Teflon applies to Democrats here in Duluth as well. What does that do for their credibility and integrity? What does it matter to them? The Democratic Party as a whole has never concerned itself with such trivial matters as honor, integrity or their own duplicitous approach to every meaningful issue. To be a Democrat means to be duplicitous as their position on nearly every issue requires it. Irreconcilable differences of philosophy and ideology need not be considered as long as the constituency believes they are being taken care of, even if that care consists of mere positioning and lip service.

Mayor Bergson has brought dishonor to the Office of Mayor but it matters not as long as he continues to pander to the Unions, say what most DFL Duluthians want to hear, even if he is lying, and even if his words are utterly contradictory to his actions. The DFL has never been concerned with those details. The lipservice paid to the military "support the military by bringing them home" or translated, let's support the military by undermining their current mission. Let's support them by telling their enemies, we don't think they are capable of winning. Yes, the DFL and the DNC are illustrations of hypocrisy, duplicitous hyperbole and dishonor on so many levels, it is hard to comprehend how anyone with an ounce of soul or integrity could subscribe to their dogma. They are now in the majority in the U.S. Congress, the Minnesota Legislature and of course, as always, every conceivable body politic in the the Arrowhead region.

Republicans meanwhile are laying low to avoid all the feel-good DFLer's. Why? So they can avoid having their dogs shot, their homes and businesses vandalized, their reputations besmirched and their livelihoods ruined. Yes, it's all about Minnesota Nice, isn't it?