Thursday, February 15, 2007

Global What?

It seems the whole "Inconvenient Truth" crowd, up in arms and becoming more militant by the minute about the issue of Global Warming have a few sticky issues to deal with of late. Just look at the North American Continent. We are under a sustained deep freeze, the likes of which we haven't seen in my lifetime. States and regions rarely seeing freezing temperatures and snow are buried and crops grown in California and Florida have been hit hard by freezing weather. Areas that haven't seen snow in decades are seeing it, in many cases for the first time the inhabitants of the area have seen in their lives. Lake Superior, is iced over as far as the eye can see.

"Before and after" photos instill panic and the frenzy to convince all the glaciers are shrinking the oceans are inundating everything, everywhere, are deceptive in nature and are often deliberately taken during predictable fluctuations. The Earth is a dynamic planet but by cosmic standards, we are relatively static. Our climate has seen dramatic shifts in a cosmic blink of an eye that have resulted in mass extinction, destruction beyond our comprehension and devastation over vast areas and periods long before humans ever graced the planet. On the other hand, if you consider the range of climactic possibilities on a universal scale, our fluctuations are miniscule.

The reality of humans even being able to measure global climate change is dubious at best. Where and how are these measurements being taken? Well the answer will leave most of us doubting the ability to detect anything on a global scale. We know less about our own planet than we do outer space and surrounding planets. We have vast regions of the oceans that have never been explored, measured, mapped or quantified. The most obvious thing to even the casual observer with a speck of intelligence and knowledge is that the oceans have great affect on our day to day climate, yet they are only one part of the equation. Ocean currents are dynamic and the temperature and circulation of the water in the oceans has a greater affect than humans can even comprehend. The variables are so vast and unexplored it is truly foolhearty and arrogant to think we, mere humans, can begin to understand the complexity and dynamic nature of the global climate.

The Sun, 93 Million miles away goes through fluctuations that directly affect our climate...and we can control that influence how? The orbit of the Moon has a dramatic affect on our climate. The tectonic plates shift contstantly, changing the visible and inaccessible landscape constantly. Following the Earthquake that resulted in the devastating psunamis the Earth actually "wobbled" on it's axis. The long-term affects of that event on our climate may never be understood or quantified. The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and that will have dramatic long term affects, not understood at all, on our climate. Foliage cover of the Earth changes dramatically with the seasons yet we have not even begun to quantify, on a global scale, the potential effects.

Jet streams shift, Ocean currents change, ocean temperatures shift with changes in cloud cover, current changes and moon cycles, volcanoes erupt, continents shift, forest fires burn, earthquakes occur, psunamis result, ice fields are dynamic and constantly shifting, polar ice caps have changed dramatically, ebb and flow, break and reform, meteor strikes can devastate the entire Earth, wind blows, convection sucks and so does the "science" or lack thereof, surrounding the entire "Global Warming" debate, since it started gaining momentum.

Lump together all other natural factors affecting our global climate and you understand that any politician claiming they will do something about Global Warming, is suffering from delusions of grandeur. I challenge any human to specify how humans would be able to effect change to our climate on a global scale when we have a difficult time figuring out how to keep homes and businesses warm and when we still have few ideas how the Earth has evolved since the Dinosaurs were wiped out, by a still unknown force.

To assert that humans can effect global climate change by an act of Congress or by Presidential decree is beyond ludicrous. There just seem to be far too many delusional politicians with too much time on their hands, promoting an agenda they think will influence a fickle, ignorant public into voting them into office so they can fix the planet. It's like the Duluth City Council attempting to change the course of the Iraq war; it's silly, disingenuous, inane, delusional and deceptive.

Take the bait like all the lemmings on the Global Warming, Man be damned, bandwagon and you, along with Al Gore and his minions will be eating crow by the truckload by the end of the decade. Use your noggin and your common sense and you will quickly dispel the utter myth of Man created Global Climate Change and if global climate change is occuring, that we are in any way, able to change the course of our climate.

Figure this one out and send me the solution: Cork the next major volcano eruption and all the cows asses and you will make a bigger impact on CO2 emissions than if you eliminate every man-made source on the planet. Delude no more and go in Peace!


Anonymous said...

Remember when you were younger, sliding down the 8 Bumps or Church Hill, jumping off garages into the snow banks? How about the 10 foot snow drifts on Park Point? We (meaning todays kids) can't do that anymore and haven't been able to for decades now...NO SNOW!! Lets see, five 100 degree days last summer here in town? Where is the wind off the lake that we always depended on to cool us off mid-afternoon? Lake Superior being down a foot and a half. Global warming is not a right or left issue, it is worldwide issue that needs to be addressed. Do you have such blinders on, that its more important to bash those that are of differing political views, no matter what good they are trying to accomplish. I hope you don't have kids, its their future and their kids future that is going to be most affected if things don't change. One more question for you to seriously ponder, isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

America Speaks said...

The timing of your comment is interesting. Anyway, I am moderating it now, as we are facing one of the biggest blizzards we have had in some time.

What people don't seem to uderstand is that weather is weather. It changes. There are natural fluctuations in weather, patterns, the jet streams...wait, I already said that. What part of random and we're powerless do you not get? We live in the Universe last time I checked. The day we can manipulate the Universe is the day we can change the weather.

If anyone with a brain thinks logically about this, they will understand that while global climate change may be a reality, to believe the junk science and nitwittery of so many Al Gores is to expose yourself as a fickle victim of the melodramatic, mainstream media. Humans can control the weather about as much as they can control the speed of the moon's orbit. It's just silly, so much so that it's almost laughable.

Maybe you should become a super-hero...seriously though, there is no secret death ray, no super powerful weather machine and humans do not influence the weather. It's total hype. Ten years from now, we will all look back and understand that. Lake Superior will return to it's former level. Droughts are cyclic and based on what's going on outside, this one may be coming to an end.

By the way, enjoy the drifts and go jump off a garage. My kids are.

Anonymous said... major snow storm in the last 15 years, and this one was only a 12 incher, not nearly enough to jump off the garage! It spawned major tornados down south, that have killed dozens and it's not even tornado season yet?! Can you with all honesty say that our weather has not changed over the course of your lifetime. I have to guess you are between 40 and 50 years old, that's quite a span for the weather to "fluctuate" as you call it. Anyone with half a brain looks logically at the situation from all sides, as a whole, and not from one skewed political point of view. Super hero, some would say that I already am! At least I am trying to make the world a better place, but isn't that what all of us liberal Democrats try to do??!! Oh that's just silly and laughable, but I guess its better than being wrong.

America Speaks said...

See, the problem here is no amount of proof, anecdotal evidence, science, theories or plain old common sense will change the minds of those whose minds are made up. I have not made up my mind whether global warming is occuring. I disute the human factor. It is plainly, the most preposterous of all theories ever concieved by a political movement in the history of Man.

Really...think logically, dispassionately and not like the indoctrinated bretheren of the DFL or DNC and just be a human with an open mind. This is not, by any stretch of any logical thread, a theory that can be demonstrated to any degree, proven to any degree, documented to any degree or scientifically put to history. See, the problem here is you have an entire movement seeking to legitimize itself, lend creedence to it's theories and the critical key here which exposes the bias, attempting with large success, to obtain funding from the government or other, primarly politically motivated organizations, to continue their junkets to the poles, various mountain ranges, glaciers and other scenic vacationlands. They are searching long and hard to find any evidence to support their theory...look long enough and you will find something. If I wake up tomorrow morning and decide to make my life's work to prove that Duluth has a higher than normal incidence of rattling windows, I will be able to convince a large segment of the population that my theory is true, if for no other reason than there are no others who find my theory important enough or legitimate enough to justify rebuttal. On the other hand, if I am able to obtain millions in Government funds, launch a huge anti-window rattling ccampaign centered on my thesis that Duluth's window rattling problem could affect the position of the magnetic poles and I am able to correlate the window rattling issue, relative to the beginning of the magnetic pole shift, which I remind is actually occuring and is definitively documentable, I have enough evidence at my finger tips right now to get people to become devout Duluth, window rattling, global magnetic pole shift devotees.

Think about it. There is, quite literally, no irrefutable evidence of global warming, anymore than there is irrefutable evidence of the Duluth rattling window, pole shift theory. It's all just human speculation based on fear, uncertainty and, an overwhelming population of scumbags, all too willing to capitalize on the hysteria they have manufactured.

Did you know that Al Gore is purchasing his "carbon offsets" from a corporation he has a primary financial interest in?? The global warming fanatics are exemplary of two groups:

Pathologically Cynical Narcissists who have no problem profiting from fear AND:

Those who subscribe to the fear.

The Earth will survive this and billions of years of different species. We are a blip on the radar screen. We will disappear eventually just as the dinosaurs. We may or may not play a role in our own distruction but I assure you, we do not have the ability, even if we as humanity, collectively decide to commit commit humanicide, to change the future of the planet. That is the realm of God and the Universe.

Sleep well and thanks for the feedback. This is how we all get to the middle ground.