Saturday, March 10, 2007

More of the Same

Ticketgate...The Empire Strikes Again...Herb and his DFL lackeys have done it again. They have blown Bluesfest. Why? Socialist Greed is the only answer. They have become another example of greed by those who are not willing to work for their sustenance. They prefer to suck the teat of the public from birth to death. They expect you to work for them. They expect you to love them, revere them, support them, promote them, care for them, smile for them...Kim Jong Il of North Korea has a similar problem.

The DFL of Minnesota is a cancer. They are an illness for which we must find a permanent cure and exorcise permanently. Herb is merely a symptom of a larger disease. He and his policies, practices and means are promoted and supported by his party.

Herb's greed extends from his quid-pro-quo at the Willard Munger Inn to the Ticketgate fiasco. He has certainly received far more tickets than he donated and it is utterly repugnant to see intellectually dishonest Duluthians stepping up to the Council podium to defend this cretin. Anyone defending this blowhard needs to deeply examine their motives and decide, does this creep actually represent you and your best interests, or in other words, you support crime and criminals, or are you merely blindly supportive of the DFL? Either way, you have been misled, are misguided and ignorant of the truth staring you in the face. As such, you are part of the problem, just as much or maybe even more than Herb.

Life is too short. Be honest with yourself and exorcise this man from our leadership. It is time to recognize and realize he is worthy of nothing more than disdain and derision. Do it not and you are lying to yourself.

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