Saturday, April 21, 2007

Treasonous Traitors

What does it mean to be American? What does it mean to be Peruvian, Iraqi, Iranian, Slovakian, Greek? What responsibility does an American have to actually call themselves "American"? At what point does an American relinquish their right to be considered a true American?

If an Iranian openly criticizes their government and renounces their country and citizenship, the likelihood is that they will be hanged, by crane, in a very public place and without mercy or delay. If a Peruvian denounces their citizenship, well, frankly my dear, who gives a damn?! Declaring one's heritage carries with it some responsibility and accepting that responsibility is reciprocal with the declaration. In essence, merely being born here and living here does not make you an American. You may be legally American, have American citizenship and have all the rights of an America but are you an American? Further, you may climb the ranks, sleaze your way into elected political office and still, as one who's birth ensures their rights, you may become a non-American.

For those of us fortunate enough to be born here but too ignorant and stupid to understand the responsibility of our citizenship, you are not true Americans. You are here and American by default, but don't for one second, believe you are deserving of the greatness of this country. You do not wake up as an infant with the right to call yourself American simply because thousands of your brethren died to ensure your future. There is a whole slate of responsibilities that millions of Americans have abrogated to a degree to no longer have the right to call themselves American. When you denounce your military when they are engaged in war, you are no longer an American. When you give aid and comfort to the enemies of our country, by any means, you are no longer an American. When you declare that our military, engaged in war, having not committed but a small portion of our might, is defeated, you are no longer an American. When you decide, it is more expedient to appease weaklings and defeatists, than to embrace and support the most valiant among us, you are no longer an American. When you decide, America is wrong, solely because euro-trash thinks we're wrong, you are no longer an American.

It takes strength, character, commitment, devotion, nationalism (when did that become a bad thing and who made it bad...explore this) and patriotism to preserve the nation. Those who say we are defeated are traitors and they will do whatever it takes to destroy this great nation. They must be defeated. They must be confronted and they must be exposed for what they are, treasonous traitors.

Anyone who says we have lost or that we cannot win, should be jailed and silenced for it is their words and actions that will lead to the demise of this nation. Should this nation be defeated at the hands of those who detract from our resolve, or should we resolve to remove them from this nation? We are at war. We will prevail. Only the treasonous traitors we have placed in high office will stop us. Do you want the United States Of America to lose? If you do, you deserve nothing short of trial, conviction and death. That is the fate deserved by all who call for our retreat from our enemies.


4Truth&Sanity said...

Enjoy your blog. I often agree, but must take some exception to what you say in "Tresonous Traitors." First of all, I am a conservative who voted for our current President two times. However, I am deeply saddened by the current administration's conduct of this war. The President and his people deserve the criticism they are getting. They have failed to commit enough forces to do the job and have forced those doing the fighting to hesitate in deadly situations for fear that they will be prosecuted for mistakes made when they have split seconds to act. I only wish those doing the prosecuting would be required to serve in such situations before given their authority to prosecute.

In my view the war has turned into a fiasco and a tragedy. It has become so because of a complete failure in leadership by our President, his administration, and the top military commanders who have not shown the courage to strongly challange the failing strategy...or lack of strategy.

That said, I believe that your characterization of those who criticize the war as traitors is way overboard. I believe that one of the greatest strengths of our country is that we have the freedom to voice our criticism when we disagree with those in power. This blog is one example of the many forums we have to do that. For you to say that those who say we have lost or cannot win should be jailed and silenced is just plain wrong. What kind of a nation would we have if we did such things. We are free nation and if we have to resort to silencing dissenters by force, then we don't deserve to prevail. Again, we have reached this sad place in the Iraq war mainly because of the failure of our President and his administration. I sincerely hope that we can reach a solution that will not have us leaving Iraq in complete failure. But we cannot resort to totalitarian tactics to silence critics...if we do, we will have lost much more than a war.

America Speaks said...

Thanks for your articulate comments. It is critical, however, that you understand, I am not condemning those who criticize. I will fight for and continue to defend the rights of those who choose to detract, disagree, dissent, speak out, whatever. The ones who I take vehement exception to are those who claim the war is lost or that it cannot be won.

In one sense, the "war" is over and we prevailed brilliantly. We had no obligation as the defeating army, so to speak, to stay behind and clean up the mess. Fortunately for our enemies, that is what we do. We crushed Japan and brought them to their knees, yet we are allies 60 years later and they have a thriving society. We helped defeat Germany and left an occupation that remains to this day.

We obliterated Iraqs was machine and systematically and with relatively little bloodshed. Remember when the doomsayers were predicting tens of thousands of American military deaths?

My point is, the war is won, the rebuilding is perhaps, the most difficult process, particularly with regard to a country that was a dictatorship with little regard for humanitarian concerns. Iraq is a country whose infrastructure was grossly neglected in exchange for Hussein's palaces. The only things Saddam concerned himself with were brutally silencing any dissent, crushing the will of the people, lining his pockets, self-aggrandizement and giving himself the illusion and I truly think he believed in, his own invincibility.

We are dealing with the aftermath of decades of madness. Madness breeds madness and madness now reigns. We must overcome the madness or leave behind a humanitarian disaster of our own making that will make Darfur pale.

All that said, our military is involved and we, as a country, committed. We must fully commit and making an outrageous statement that we have lost is nothing short of treason and should be punished accordingly. We have not lost, nor will we lose if we commit. Those in elected office, the Hollywood types and anyone else who speaks publicly and especially those who go abroad to not only criticize the US military but truly seek our defeat, they are traitors. We have tolerated them far too long and they have no right to call themselves Americans as they seek the destruction and defeat of the one entity that ensures our future and our freedom. That is our military and they will never be defeated if America and Americans stand united behind them. Harry Reid should Hang and be made the example.